With Utmost Appreciation for Our Physicians on Doctor’s Day and Every Day

Hero Blog Doctors day
Cross Country Search
March 30, 2020 06:25 AM (GMT-04:00)

We have to wonder whether Eudora Brown Almond could have possibly imagined what March 30 of 2020 would be like for physicians when she organized the first Doctor’s Day in honor of her husband, Dr. Charles B. Almond, and physicians like him, back in 1933.

Surprisingly, it’s likely, as doctors were amid a decades-long battle against polio, and researchers were fervently working to develop treatments and a vaccine.

Today, as our physicians bravely face this new coronavirus pandemic, rather than hand-delivering carnations and sending cards via snail mail as they did in 1933, we are sending our beloved doctors virtual flowers and electronic sentiments from the sidelines as we continue to practice “social distancing” in our efforts to “flatten the curve.”

We cannot adequately express our collective appreciation for our physicians and healthcare providers on the frontlines. You are our heroes. We recognize your dedication and selflessness. We hold you in high esteem, and we are grateful that you have dedicated your lives to not only fulfilling your own passion but also to caring for your communities.

Thank you for all you do, on this Doctor’s Day and every day.

From your team at Cross Country Search.

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