Six Tips for Adopting Better Diversity Recruitment Practices

Six Tips for Adopting Better Diversity Recruitment Practices
Cross Country Search
February 17, 2020 01:07 AM (GMT-04:00)

As the healthcare industry considers the impact of health inequities within the communities they serve, many organizations are exploring ways to build a diverse workforce to heighten awareness and provide exceptional patient care that drives business success. The healthcare sector is a largely homogenous field serving diverse populations that continue to evolve - so the adoption of inclusive recruitment processes will prove invaluable in the future.

There is abundant evidence that a diverse healthcare workforce can yield better outcomes and care for patients. And, according to a study in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, patients report greater levels of satisfaction with their care when treated by physicians with similar racial backgrounds. As America grows increasingly diverse, with people who identify as black, Hispanic or Native American making up nearly one-third of the population – a figure that is expected to grow to over 40% within the next 40 years, it simply makes sense to improve the recruitment of diverse candidates to ensure workforces can reflect the communities around them.

Like many other critical hiring initiatives, organizations know work needs to be done, but struggle in identifying ways to improve their approach. Here are 6 tips that can help your facility adopt better diversity recruitment practices:

Diversify your sources

Candidates come to new opportunities through a number of means: job boards, professional associations and networks, social media, referrals and more. Diversifying your sourcing strategy gives you access to a broader pool of active candidates.

Understand your market

Knowing your market and how it is projected to change over the next decade can help proactive organizations understand where they may be falling behind in workforce representation. Awareness of deficit immediately prioritizes the communities you should consider as you diversify your hiring networks.

Engage your communities

In a tight labor market, passive candidates are a critical component of any hiring strategy as the demand exceeds the supply. To engage passive candidates, your strategy should include opportunities to connect with talent and promote careers not just onsite, but where they live, congregate and socialize.

Check your messaging

Does your recruitment messaging reflect a commitment to diversity and inclusion? Candidates looking for an environment that is diverse, innovative and inclusive will want to hear and see that reflected in your mission, imagery and description of your culture. If you aren’t where you want to be, position your message to reflect your goals and avoid the temptation to ignore your reality and candidates can be drawn to opportunities where they can have an impact on initiatives that help foster a more diverse workforce in the future.

Ensure your hiring and interviewing team is diverse

Going beyond gender and race, consider the make-up of your interviewing and onsite team. Do the key decision-makers reflect diverse backgrounds, experiences and affiliations? Candidates that are received by an assortment of interviewers and facility contacts can feel more connected and comfortable in your professional environment – consider the make-up of your hiring team and consider how it reflects your organization and the potential impact on the candidate.

Consider Partners in Diversity.

An experienced recruiting partner can provide you access to a robust sourcing toolbox, delivering a greater chance at evaluating candidates from a broader, more diverse professional and cultural background. Sourcing and recruitment experts that are often tasked with helping clients expand or improve their efforts to foster a more diverse workforce can offer recommendations and advice on how best to position your facility for success in diversity outreach, and counsel on best practices that help you better understand and rectify missing or broken recruitment practices that may hinder your goals. Moreover, consultants can help you gain a clear perspective on your market and future trends, making recommendations on creative ways to find, connect and hire talent as your community evolves.

For more information on how Cross Country Search can help support diverse recruitment initiatives, contact us today.

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