New Grads: You Got the Job as a Healthcare Provider. Now What?

New Grads You Got the Job as a Healthcare Provider Now What
Cross Country Search
June 27, 2023 02:14 AM (GMT-04:00)
Provider Tips

What to Do Once You’ve Accepted a New Position as a Provider

A new job is a blank slate, an empty canvas, a bare journal just waiting for a storyline. There’s a unique feeling that comes with this kind of fresh start. As a healthcare provider, it’s an opportunity to reinvent yourself, cultivate the best parts of your practice, and prune back what’s no longer needed.

As you embark on this part of your journey as a clinician, consider how to make the most of the transition and enjoy the experience to the fullest. Here are some ideas for what to do once you’ve accepted a position as a provider with a new facility. Congrats!

Notify other organizations you’ve been interviewing with of your new role

Once you’ve signed the acceptance letter, it’s time to give your current employer notice if you are working. Out of courtesy, inform any other healthcare organizations and recruiters you’ve applied or interviewed with that you’ve accepted a position. This shows you value their time and resources. It can preserve relationships within your professional network and ensure continuity of care for your patients.

Announce your good news publicly

Share your news with friends, family, and colleagues. If you’d like, post on social media, or announce with your professional organizations. Use the opportunity to ensure you’ve got colleagues' contact information and share your new details with them. Announcing your new position is a great way to keep your network updated. You can also feed off others’ energy and excitement as you begin this new leg of your journey.

Dig into your job offer and contract

Revisit the job offer, contract and any other materials the employer has provided. Read more deeply into details about the benefits, work hours, expectations, options, etc. Keep a list of questions for your contact as they arise.

Submit any outstanding documents or requirements

If there are any loose ends or additional information your new employer needs, submit those as soon as possible. Be prompt in completing immunizations and sending copies of your licenses, CV, certifications, insurance, etc.

Coordinate with HR and administrative staff

Connect with the organization’s human resources department and administrative staff to ensure a smooth transition. Prepare for any logistical aspects such as onboarding, orientation, and scheduling.

Dive into the organization’s website and social media to learn more

While you’ve likely explored much about the job in advance, now’s the time to revisit the organization’s site, knowing that you’ll be part of the team. Find out all you can about their leadership, employees, culture, values, mission, news, policies and procedures.

Take a practice run

Map out the location and drive there before your first day. Note any traffic patterns to watch for, figure out where you’ll park, and see how long it will take you to travel from parking to your worksite. Ensure you know whom you’ll meet and where to report to on the first day. Take a tour of the facility to see where the restrooms, break areas, restaurants, etc., are located.

Get prepped

Prepare your clothes and meals for the first day. Be sure to bring healthy snacks and a lunch or dinner if needed. Back a briefcase or bag with essentials like a pen and pad, stethoscope, snacks, money for a snack machine, water, etc.

Begin building relationships with colleagues

Prepare to start with a warm, eager, open, and receptive attitude. Be ready to forge positive relationships with colleagues, including physicians, nurses, and support staff. As you meet new colleagues, jot down their names on your notepad or your phone if needed. Also, be prepared to introduce yourself to the team and learn the ropes from them.

Settle into your new role and learn the structure and workflow

Ask your supervisor to explain the organizational structure, reporting lines, and workflows. Connect with experienced colleagues to quickly adapt to the new environment. Find out where PPE, supplies and materials are stored. Seek support from mentors when you need it. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Begin to build rapport with new patients.

Make a plan to deal with stress and practice self-care

Keep a list of ways you plan to relax and decompress, such as breathwork, yoga, exercise, meditation, hiking, reading, time with friends and family, etc. The learning curve can be tiring and sometimes even intimidating, so you must take steps to ward off self-doubt and the imposter syndrome. Remember, you’re educated, qualified, fully capable and deserve to be here.

Congratulations on your new position!

See our latest healthcare jobs at Cross Country Search.

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